police entertainment

All posts tagged police entertainment

Ergo Proxy - (2006 show) image

Entertainment > Television >

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Robots go mental and investigators try to figure it out.

Great world building, but everything is monotone and it goes totally crazy most of the way through. It would have been better if it stayed grounded in its initial location as the world-building was great there. Ultimately disappointing.

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Darkness of Man - (2024 movie) image

Entertainment > Movies >

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A police officer dates a single mom and ends up becoming a vigilante to be the guardian of someone else's kid.

While it's watchable, bad neo-noir is bad.

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Minority Report - (2015 show) image

Entertainment > Television >

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was https://www.fox.com/minority-report

A precog teams up with a police officer to solve crimes before they happen.


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Minority Report - (2002 movie) poster

Entertainment > Movies >

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Murder in Washington, D.C. - United States has been solved by precognition, except for one mysterious case.

I like it quite a bit!

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Restore Point - (2023 movie) poster

Entertainment > Movies >

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Corporate and terrorist factions fight over the technology to resurrect people shortly after death.

Even-toned from acting, to pace, to the subtleties of world-building; excellent.

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  • Original title: (Czech) Bod obnovy

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Hypnotic - (2023 movie) poster

Entertainment > Movies >

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A detective learns his daughter wasn't killed but was instead kidnapped, and while pursuing a lead he discovers mysterious circumstances.

An adequate but ultimately unsatisfying movie; bubblegum.

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Fallen - (1998 movie) poster

Entertainment > Movies >

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After a convicted murderer's execution, and when copycat killers become suicides, the original detective is dragged into what becomes a vastly more complex case.

Although I wouldn't recommend this broadly, it was so impactful that I could only sketch out a vague description from memory and had to wait for the inception of artificial intelligence to help me track it down.

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The Prophecy - (1995 movie) poster

Entertainment > Movies >

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Murders lead an ex-almost-priest-turned-detective to discover a supernatural gang war.

It's mellow and interesting.

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Banshee - (2013 show) image

Entertainment > Television >

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A criminal takes the opportunity to impersonate a sheriff and continues to be a criminal.

It fundamentally makes no sense how the character can fragrantly break the law.

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Day Watch - (2006 movie) poster

Entertainment > Movies >

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A man regrets the wedge between himself and his son, and tries to apologize. Or something.

It's definitely on-par with the first, and worth the watch if you like the other.

  • Trailer
  • Original title: Дневной Дозор (Dnevnoy dozor)

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