Entertainment > Movies >
Harry Potter >
A shot-for-shot parody of Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone - (2001 movie)
Kinda silly and pointless.
Entertainment > Movies >
Harry Potter >
A shot-for-shot parody of Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone - (2001 movie)
Kinda silly and pointless.
(proof of concept)
An off the books special operations band does stuff even more off the books?
It has heart, but the music is loud, the story is confusing, and the characters are not explained; disliked.
Entertainment > Movies >
(on Wikipedia)
A weird experimental Russian movie filmed in long shots, about spirits going through an art gallery I guess?
It occurs.
Original title: Russkiy kovcheg
(on Wikipedia)
A prequel of an alternate of Tron - Legacy - (2010 movie) of sorts, an unlikely hero rises to help his fellow being.
It's okay I guess.
Entertainment > Games >
Path of Exile - (2013 game) >
(on Wikipedia)
Path of Exile - (2013 game) reworked.
It's souls-like but with muddy graphics and no telegraphing for one-hit mechanics, so it's all luck. No skill variety.
Not recommended.
aka POE2
Entertainment > Games >
Vampire Survivors - (2022 game) only not.
It'll likely be payware after the open beta; I don't know.
Entertainment > Movies >
(on Wikipedia)
A techno-monk attempts resurrection.
Adequate and obvious.
Entertainment > Movies >
(on Wikipedia)
People are interviewed about a major new scientific discovery.
This documentary-style sure doesn't get to the point.
Entertainment > Movies >
(Kickstarter project)
Artificial signals are detected in our solar system, and a single astronaut is sent to investigate.
A humble but successful movie; worth a watch.
See also Ferdinand Magellan
Entertainment > Movies >
Shatner hallucinates about Spok.
A nothing of a short movie.