samurai entertainment

All posts tagged samurai entertainment

Ghost Dog - (1999 movie) poster

Entertainment > Movies, samurai >

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A boy is saved by a mob man, and becomes an assassin as repayment only to become embroiled in the crime world.

Gentle and moody. A little cheesy and a little lame, but I still like it a lot.

  • Trailer
  • Properly titled Ghost Dog: The Way of the Samurai

See also:

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Unforgiven - (2013 movie) poster .jap

Entertainment > Movies >

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A whore gets her face cut up, and a bounty is put on the heads of the two responsible.

Boring as hell; I couldn't get into it.

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47 Ronin - (2013 movie) poster

Entertainment > Movies >

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47 samurai are exiled when their master is framed, and vow revenge against those responsible.

A decent enough movie; watchable and forgettable.

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Last Knights - (2015 movie) poster

Entertainment > Movies >

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Inspired by the story of the forty-seven rōnin . If you don't know it, then don't look that up. I can't give a description without spoiling it. Consider yourself lucky to have a fresh mind.

This is a patient yet tense movie. I have next to no notes, because there's really nothing to write or even think about. Recommended, though not "highly recommended", as there are a lot of movies which execute this general manly-man theme extremely well. Though it's not among its number, anyone who likes the samurai genre should give this a watch.

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Le Samouraï - (1967 movie) image

Entertainment > Movies > samurai >

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A hitman is witnessed just after a job, and becoming a suspect pushes his employers put a hit out on him.

While I can imagine this being really cool at the time, it certainly isn't any more. It has a slow moody atmosphere with a main character stiff enough to be a walking corpse. It's also just shy of being a silent film.

I only finished watching it because of the similarity Ghost Dog - (1999 movie) has with it, because I like that movie.

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The Last Samurai - (2003 movie) poster

Entertainment > Movies >

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An American captain, suffering from PTSD-induced nightmares so bad he became alcoholic, is brought back into the trade as a consultant and trainer to suppress the civil war in Japan and fight against its old warrior class, the samurai.

Dare I say this is one of the greats. It has various classic elements without being tiring and obvious, and maintains a great pace and tone.

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Entertainment > Reading > samurai >

(on Wikipedia)

A book on Bushido, the old way of the samurai, as created in conversation with an old master-turned-monk.

In a time when the others were softening up, a samurai who had lost his master and left to live in a monastery spoke in hushed tones to a friend about the old ways he grew up in. Although he and others insisted the manuscripts be burned, the promises were broken when they were kept secret. They would be later compiled and published, and even later translated from its original Japanese.

A particularly interesting book. Although most of it is definitely not directly-applicable today, I think anyone who already has a sufficient "wisdom" (whatever that means) will find bits and pieces of insight.

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Into the Badlands (2015-) image

Entertainment > Television >

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The world, having gone to shit for some reason, has no guns for some reason, and, in a world nothing like Mad Max - (1979 movie), things happen for various reasons.

It's a manly man man show, with fighting and stuff, though it does have some sort of fantasy fiction quietly woven in. It seemed fair, but I struggled to get through season one and just didn't care after a couple of episodes of season two.
