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A prequel of an alternate of Tron - Legacy - (2010 movie) of sorts, an unlikely hero rises to help his fellow being.
It's okay I guess.
(on Wikipedia)
A prequel of an alternate of Tron - Legacy - (2010 movie) of sorts, an unlikely hero rises to help his fellow being.
It's okay I guess.
Entertainment > Movies >
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A techno-monk attempts resurrection.
Adequate and obvious.
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People are interviewed about a major new scientific discovery.
This documentary-style sure doesn't get to the point.
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(Kickstarter project)
Artificial signals are detected in our solar system, and a single astronaut is sent to investigate.
A humble but successful movie; worth a watch.
See also Ferdinand Magellan
Entertainment > Movies >
Shatner hallucinates about Spok.
A nothing of a short movie.
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(on Wikipedia)
When an energy source wielding time itself is first tested, it's inventors (and staff) become shrouded in a quantum fog.
Creative and brilliantly executed!
Original title: Skvoz vremya
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(on Wikipedia)
Something about multiple AI personalities taking over a human.
IMDB has a rating of 16+ which to my knowledge isn't a thing.
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(on Wikipedia)
A classic ruined world utopic city movie.
It's fair. It's a basic young adult movie with some woke messaging and diversity casting in the old "rebel and save the world" template.
Straight white Christian men are only bad guys.
Entertainment > Movies >
A psychiatrist's world is turned upside-down when his patients join a global trend of suicide and violence.
Moody and with great acting. This is definitely strange, especially because of its torturously patient story arc. I can't recommend this for everyone because it's more weird-drama than science fiction. It's one of those "watch once" movies.
(on Wikipedia)
Robots go mental and investigators try to figure it out.
Great world building, but everything is monotone and it goes totally crazy most of the way through. It would have been better if it stayed grounded in its initial location as the world-building was great there. Ultimately disappointing.