
All posts tagged software


(port) > Software > YouTube >

Downloads the comments on YouTube videos.

Used to be available at but that IP got banned because of overuse.

  • WARNING - Do not overuse this program, or maybe you will get IP-banned. The authors' GUI website did.
  • See my script for how I use it.

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Writing > Computers, Internet >

Everything is frail to failure. Be it hardware, software, data, business relationships, or people, nothing is immortal and immutable.

Many things are immediately recognized; the hardware and software, but we fail to see people; the wetware. They represent the intellectual backbone of major projects, the "wet infrastructure" upon which our technology relies, and when they cannot contribute, their projects suffer and we suffer. Their influence isn't just notable, but critical.

For the internet, esr calls them Load-Bearing Internet People.

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Pale Moon extensions > Greasemonkey >


A cross-browser script that adds a button to download YouTube videos as MP4 and FLV files. This script downloads the videos directly from YouTube and it integrates with YouTube's interface.

It creates a button under the video, to the left of "Add to".


Abandoned, check out yt-dlp