time travel shows

All posts tagged time travel shows

Minority Report - (2015 show) image

Entertainment > Television >

(on Wikipedia)
was https://www.fox.com/minority-report

A precog teams up with a police officer to solve crimes before they happen.


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Dark - (2017 show) image

Entertainment > Television >

(on Wikipedia)

A large town has mysterious repeated incidents the residents try to figure out.

It starts strong but gets weak and weird. Recommended for people who like reality and time-related stuff.

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<th>- (1982 show) image

Entertainment > Television >

(on Wikipedia)

A misfit member of an organization of time travelers flubs a trip and yanks a kid from 1982 back in time.

It's an odd combination of brains and bubblegum; well-acted, fast-and-loose and interesting.

See also:

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The Umbrella Academy - (2019 show) image

Entertainment > Television >

(on Wikipedia)

A group of superpowered purchased-orphans try to save the world.

Fair at best, but not for me.

Future Man - (2017 show) image

Entertainment > Television >

(on Wikipedia)

Time travelers recruit an everyman to help save their world.

Crude and un-funny.

Travelers - (2016 show) image

Entertainment > Television >

(on Wikipedia)
was showcase.ca/travelers

Hundreds of years from now, surviving humans discover how to send consciousness back through time, into people of the 21st century, while attempting to change the path of humanity.

Kinda not bad.

Continuum - (2012-2015 series) image

Entertainment > Television >

(on Wikipedia)
was showcase.ca/continuum

A cop from an authoritarian future is caught up in a daring time-travel jail-break, to become stranded in present-day Vancouver Canada.

Overall this is adequate, but with several plot points and character traits which are difficult to believe. The biggest problem I have is the various brushes against citizen-terrorism apologetics. My takeaway is that this show is "safe", with some edginess fabricated for the kids.

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Doctor Who >

Doctor Who (2005-) image

Entertainment > Television >

(on Wikipedia)

The last of a powerful race tours time and space, regularly ending up in trouble.

Playful fun. Occasionally attempts to glide past some significant issues with time travel but is generally bubblegum. Doesn't take itself too seriously. Recommended until it goes woke.

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12 Monkeys (2015-) image 1

Entertainment > Television >

(on Wikipedia)

Survivors of a plague that wipes out most humans make a desperate bid to undo it all by sending a man back in time.

I suppose it's inevitable that a television series based around time travel will get convoluted really quickly because they stretch things out. Still, this doesn't feel very good to me.

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