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this needs to be reworked and re-tested


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my fork:



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When Harry Met Sally - (1989 movie) poster

Entertainment > Movies >

(on Wikipedia)

Two acquaintances keep bumping into one another until a friendship starts; testing the scientifically-proved uncontestable fact that men and women can't be friends, which is a total fiction.

Phenomenal, even all this time later and compared to everything that was made before and since. Billy Crystal really carries this movie.

  • Trailer
  • Properly titled When Harry Met Sally...
  • TODO - My DVD dies 2/3rds in, and needs to be replaced...

See also:

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TRY HARDER - absorb ancient notes into more modern notes, and separate them by dates.

TODO - Is this out in blu-ray?

Andromeda (2000-2005) poster

Entertainment > Television >

(on Wikipedia)
was (not archived)

Unfrozen after 300 years, the captain of the most powerful ship in existence moves to rebuild his fallen Commonwealth with the help of a rag-tag group of civilians.

This series is (was) high quality with a light (sometimes cheesy) mood. Although I can say I love this series, it definitely takes a nosedive later in its life, and absolutely fails miserably in its final "wrap-up" season. It's like these writers sabotage their own work.

Upon re-watching this, I can say that I do enjoy it, but it's definitely pulp/drama as opposed to being actually-awesome. There are some layers to it, but its general theme of being "fun" gets in the way too frequently to have those subtle moments elevate the rest of it.

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TODO - Is this out in blu-ray?

She looks even better when wet.
She looks even better when wet.

Entertainment > Television >

(on Wikipedia)

A girl, engineered to be a killer, flees her keepers, but as a woman she pursues general vigilante justice by helping a crime-fighting genius.

This series hits the ground running, featuring not just a stupifyingly hot Jessica Alba, but a great world, plot and everything else.

However, like too many series', Dark Angel suicide-bombs like it's been lit on fire and is heading for a volcano to end it's suffering. Not only is the second season bad enough to end the show, it's bad enough to not watch, even and especially for people who like the first.

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  1. WALL-E - (2008 movie)
  2. BURN-E - (2008 short movie)



  • 2021-10-03; no notes were taken