vampire shows

All posts tagged vampire shows

Preacher - (2016 show) image

Entertainment > Television >

(on Wikipedia)

A kickass preacher is infected with a power, and for some reason there's a vampire.

Maybe it has potential, but it's scatterbrained and kept sliding into slow moody boringness.

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Blade 2 - (2002 movie) 01

Entertainment > Movies >

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A day-walking vampire halts his crusade against them, forming a truce to hunt an even worse monster.

An adequate movie, with an acceptable amount of over-the-top nonsense. Definitely worth watching for fans of the original. Easily stands the test of time.

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Entertainment > Movies >

(on Wikipedia)

Blade meets other vampire hunters who are working against vampire plans to resurrect the progenitor vampire to try to make better vampires. Again.

A mediocre movie. For big fans of the first two, this is recommended. For people who found the first one okay and the second one merely passable, this can be safely skipped.

For fans of either of Jessica Biel or Ryan Reynolds, this is a look into their future movies.

  • Properly titled Blade: Trinity
  • Trailer

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I'll add notes when I re-watch this series.
Do not watch this without respecting the Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel viewing order.

Angel - (1999 show) image

Entertainment > Television >

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A vampire, cursed with a soul to be immortally haunted by his past, hopes for absolution by fighting the damned.

An astonishing series. The characters and story are outstanding. While built upon/within the Buffy the Vampire Slayer universe, it has a different and significantly more adult story line. I would say that this series is better than its parent, but Buffy is mandatory and still enjoyable viewing to get to this one.

Mandatory viewing.

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I'd need to re-watch this to add proper notes.

Buffy the Vampire Slayer - (1997 show) image

Entertainment > Television >

(on Wikipedia)

A highschool cheerleader, learning she is imbued with the spirit of the Vampire Slayer and her school was built on a Hellmouth, is trained by an ancient order of Watchers to fight vampires and other monsters from ending the world.

An astonishing series, and I don't say that lightly. The characters and story are outstanding. While this is a fast-and-loose show, it matures. It spinoff/partner series, Angel - (1999 show) is even more adult. This show is well worth the time, even if its initial episodes put the viewer off with its childishness. It's not a series that "grows on you", it really does get better and better, building upon and maturing out of its initial impressions.

Mandatory viewing.

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