weeXpc software

All posts tagged weeXpc software

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Nano logo

Software > Text editors >

(on Wikipedia)

The license-unencumbered version of Pico.

Small, easy. Needs some basic functionality but is still quite useful.

  • acronym: Nano's ANOther editor
  • formerly: TIP (TIP Isn't Pico)

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Software > Web browsers >

(on Wikipedia)

A web browser and feed reader.

  • Originally called Phoenix, then Firebird.

    • Yes, I used it way back then.
  • Shares some code with Thunderbird

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Software > Terminals >

(on Wikipedia)
was https://code.google.com/archive/p/mrxvt

A terminal emulator which allows tabs.

I could just use Screen, but mrxvt is so much easier to use. =)

  • aka materm
  • See also: rxvt-unicode (rxvt), which is also definitely light.

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notecase_1.4.5 on the Sharp Zaurus

Software >


A cross-platform hierarchical note-taking program.

Seems fair, but I'm using it like I would use multiple files opened with Kate.

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Openbox 3 logo

Software > Window managers >

(on Wikipedia)

A straightforward but powerful window manager.

Openbox has been my window manager of choice for years now. Over that time, I've amassed some significant knowledge which I'll try to maintain here.
A component of LXDE.

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Linux logo - 'Tux'

Software > Linux tools >

(on Wikipedia)

vi is a textmode editor. It's so bad even the author regrets it.

For some fucking reason, Linux distributions almost all include it by default.

The only editor I know of which can handle huge files. So horribly horrible though. =(

  • Ruby-capable, I hear.

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xterm icon

Software > Terminals >

(on Wikipedia)
https://invisible-island.net/xterm/ [ 1 ] was https://web.archive.org/*/http://invisible-island.net/xterm/xterm.html

A terminal emulator.

Essential for its compatibility. It also comes with every Linux distribution I've used.

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Sylpheed logo

Linux email clients >

(on Wikipedia)

An email client.

POP3, APOP, IMAP4rev1, mh, SMTP, SMTP AUTH, NNTP, SSL/TLS, OpenPGP, external editors, filtering, muliple identities. Good multilanguage and character set support.

Sylpheed is bafflingly bad in places, and Claws Mail was a welcome improvement. This relationship reminds me a lot of PCManFM versus PCManFM-mod (which later became SpaceFM).

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Dillo icon

Software > Web browsers >

(on Wikipedia)
was dillo.org

A lightweight web browser.

I thought it had hope but needed significant work.

  • 2022-07-12 - Apparently abandoned

    • The website is down
    • the source code archive as of 202201280 shows the last activity at 2021-02-09. It was a small change and the update previous to that was 2018-10-05.
    • The mailing list archive doesn't tell me enough because it's an old snapshot.

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