World of Warcraft 3.3.5 (Ascension)

All posts tagged World of Warcraft 3.3.5 (Ascension)

World of Warcraft > AddOns >

Adds text to items/spells/abilities that are on cooldown to indicate when they'll be ready for use. Turns analog cooldowns/timers into digital ones.

  • /occ or /omnicc

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Ascention logo

Entertainment > Games >
World of Warcraft >

A heavily-modified World of Warcraft 3.3.5 private server which removes the concept of classes, allowing the player to pick-and-choose abilities to create their own unique character. Another server has a random selection-and-choice concept which is very fun.

Has various challenge modes and the ability to rework a character back to level one for a reward.

While lacking some bits and pieces of convenience, it's really quite good. Has some expensive pay-to-win. It's ultimately not good because it has bonus experience available to all the players so there's no actual authentic world, it's just a bunch of overpowered characters smashing through everything; fail. Or play it single-player if you'd like..

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Addon Control Panel image

World of Warcraft > AddOns >

An AddOn control panel.

Can also manage sets of AddOns.

  • aka ACP

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Projects > World of Warcraft > AddOns >
my fork

Reconfigures for your action bars. It retains the design of the standard interface, which reduces the screen clutter.

An absolutely spectacular simplification of the UI.

  • Brings three of your bars to the middle.
  • Brings the remaining two bars to the right-hand side, and hides them unless your mouse is over that area.
  • Takes the blizzard stuff, and hides it in the bottom-right corner unless your mouse is over that area.


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RangeDisplay image

World of Warcraft > AddOns >

A UI which displays a range estimate.

Absolutely essential for understanding one's distance to target, not just for staying at the extreme range but for staying closer than that in case one's target moves.

I place this overtop of Basic Threat Bar.

  • /rangedisplay

World of Warcraft > AddOns >

Press a hotkey (out of combat) to remember an assist target. Press another to assist them.

It sounds simple, even unnecessary, but it's clean and makes life so much easier rather than using a /focus all the time.

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World of Warcraft icon

World of Warcraft > AddOns >

Rings an alarm when you're standing in fire.

Absolutely mandatory. It really teaches you the mechanics of a fight. Yells even through a muted game.

  • Note that Project Ascension has a feature built-into the interface settings to enable visually showing enemy patches of bad.

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Bulk Mail image 1

World of Warcraft > AddOns >

Mail sending made easy.

Build a list of items to send in bulk. Automatically build a list with configurable rules.

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