Entertainment > Webcam modelling >
There appear to be some differences between female and male webcam models and modelling.
I jotted down some thoughts, but I got a bit burnt out so maybe there's more to be written at some future point.
Model gender-disparity ∞
The vast majority of webcam modelling information out there is female specific. While some of it is or can be made gender-neutral, a lot of it is specific to either the female market or the female ego.
Getting male information from an honest-to-god dick-wielding manly man is difficult enough that I'll have to noodle on by myself. Yes there are the occasional questionable-authenticity guest blog posts on some extra-pink chick blog, but even that's pretty rare. Rare enough for me to have considered founding a community had I pursued this project past research.
Perhaps women are more confident in this context.
- Perhaps it's the distance. Perhaps it's the "play-acting".
- A lot of men have shit self esteem, especially for nudity.
Perhaps women get more job satisfaction out of it.
- Emotional needs, work hours, working from home or whatever.
Perhaps randy old men set up those camming websites.
Why-ever it is, it's there. There are way more female than male models, and so there is a much larger infrastructure geared specifically for them. Male interests and needs are drowned out.
The audience ∞
From what I'm lead to believe, the audience for a male webcam model is almost entirely dominated by men. I'm not sure I believe this, and I think it bears examination.
Arguments against a female audience for male models ∞
Perhaps emotional needs are not met, or are not fully met, or are more easily met elsewhere.
Women have a need for "stuff", like being provided for, catered to, or whatever. Think about getting into clubs and having drinks bought for them. This is reversed in the webcam modelling relationship, since they instead become the provider.
Arguments for a female audience for male models ∞
Women have vague "emotional needs" and, whatever that means, some of them could be met by the "personalness" of webcam modelling.
There's an argument that men are more visual than women, but women and men are both heavy consumers of porn.
I would also argue that there's an important comparison of libidos to be made. It's easy to get a man off. It's bafflingly difficult to get a woman off. I entertain the notion that most women are frustrated or are otherwise thinking of sex way more frequently or intensely than men. With this in mind, the visual nature of porn or a webcam model may help stir the imagination or sate the libido of women. Or maybe not, what the fuck do I know what goes on in a woman's head. Hell, they sure don't.
On homosexuality ∞
The majority of male webcam models are of indeterminable sexuality. I know there are straight men posing as gay (fauxmosexual).
Anal play isn't homosexual, and this includes penetration. The reader can argue it one way or another, I don't care, but male models don't make an association.
The audience being presumed to be predominantly gay men would attract more actually-gay and acting-gay men to target that audience, creating the myth that male webcam modelling is only for gay men.
However, like webcam modelling in general, there is a market for the "niche" of other sorts of audience types and their various needs. This includes a market for a female audience.
Last updated 2020-07-03 at 13:30:54