web browsers

All posts tagged web browsers


Google > Chrome >
Software > Web browsers >

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(on Google Play)

Brave is a web browser that uses components from Chrome to build a more security-conscious browser which also has an alternate advertising mechanism with revenue sharing.

Like Chrome, it's missing fundamental things.

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Microsoft-Edge-logo png

Software > Web browsers, Chrome >

(on Wikipedia)
offline installers

Yet another Chrome derivative, but Microsoft took it seriously and made improvements.

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Pale Moon logo -- logo256

Software > Web browsers >

(on Wikipedia)
Linux > http://www.palemoon.org/

A web browser which is essentially a fork of Firefox. Pale Moon keeps the simpler UI before the astonishingly terrible changes Firefox made.

A very good browser. Newer addons targeting the latest Firefox which are addicted to its new interface will not work with Pale Moon, since Pale Moon lacks that interface. Older addons or proper UI-agnostic addons will work fine.

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